Welcome to the Texas Educational Theatre Association Curriculum Page!
We need your help. Please consider sending in a lesson plan slide presentation or a video of a lesson you will give. If everyone makes one lesson, think of what a wealth of knowledge we will have.
The TxETA Curriculum Committee serves as a curriculum and instructional resource to the members of TxETA. This site was created as place new and experienced teachers can use as a source for ideas and methods to improve theatre curriculum. We would like to invite teachers to submit articles, lesson plans and favorite resources. With the help of educators around the state, this site will (become) a valuable online curriculum library for the TxETA members.
Goals :
In collaboration with the BoD, revise the current Manual of Operations to align with the newly adopted By-Laws and post it here.
Please be patient with us and please feel free to ask questions. You can reach the chair at curriculum@tetatx.com .