Dear Fine Arts Teachers,
We are better together and the time to advocate for all fine arts programs is now! During this 87th Legislative Session, there will be unprecedented challenges from COVID to face, such as lower education budgets and higher unemployment. TMEA has combined with TMAC to form a grassroots, proactive network of Arts Education supporters called the Texas Arts Education Campaign. The goals of TAEC are:
We need you!
Please watch the YouTube presentation and view the powerpoint, which explains how you can be involved in TAEC. Then, sign up to participate in our advocacy campaign.
Next Steps:
In the near future, you will receive a toolkit of crafted messages to use in building relationships with your state legislators. The toolkit will be accompanied by instructions about when and how to reach out and advocate for your Fine Arts programs.
We look forward to assisting you in raising a unified voice to promote and protect our Fine Arts programs!