Sponsorship Committee
The Sponsorship committee is responsible for implementation of the annual sponsorship campaign as well as maintaining relationships with the existing sponsors throughout the year. The Sponsorship committee runs the annual fund raising program based on a budget goal established by the board at the annual planning session. Create a target List and actual list of sponsors. Ensure Sponsors are informed of all publications and feedback. Create sponsorship opportunities and packages for publication. Review all packages with sponsors post events to ensure client satisfaction. Attend events and promote Sponsorship opportunities. Produce letters of agreement and send to all sponsors of all events. Produce invoices for the sponsorship and deliver to sponsors. Publicize sponsors.
Gary Cooper: treasurer.elect@tetatx.com
Adrian Gallardo: treasurer@tetatx.com
John Grimmett: k12.chair@tetatx.com
Jes Byboth: k12.chairelect@tetatx.com
Kim Hines: comm.director.elect@tetatx.com
For information regarding sponsoring TxETA contact a committee member or view the package by clicking on the following button: